Peter Amann (May 31, 1927 - June 14, 2012) on Revolution and Western Society

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 6031


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Revolution Western Society 1

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(1927 - 2012)

Eminent Historian of France, Viennese Son of German Intellectuals

: The eminent historian of France, Peter H. Amann, who died June 14, 2012, lived a full and remarkable life. Born in Vienna on May 31, 1927, his father, the German intellectual Paul Amann, was an author, translator, notable correspondent, and professor at a Gymnasium in Vienna from 1911 to 1938. In 1924, he married Dora Iranyi, a concert singer, and the couple had two children, Peter Heinrich, the eldest, and Eva. (From:

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Quote #1 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Revolution and Western Society

“Save for brief intervals, has there ever been a period of modern Western society that has not been an "age of revolution"?”

Source: "The Eighteenth-Century Revolution: French or Western?," edited by Peter Amann, D.C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1963. Preface, by Peter Amann, Page viii.

"The Eighteenth-Century Revolution: French or Western?," edited by Peter Amann, D.C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1963.


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