Bao Jingyan (0200 - 0400) on State and Domination

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Entry 2374


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes State Domination 10

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(0200 - 0400)

Early Chinese Anarchist Philosopher and Advocate of Taoism

: A Chinese, libertarian philosopher and Taoist who lived somewhere between the late 200's AD and before 400 AD. (From:

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Quote #10 on Political Struggle Quotes >> State and Domination

“The Confucian literati say: "Heaven gave birth to the people and then set rulers over them." But how can High Heaven have said this in so many words? Is it not rather that interested parties make this their pretext? The fact is that the strong oppressed the weak and the weak submitted to them; the cunning tricked the innocent and the innocent served them. It was because there was submission that the relation of lord and subject arose, and because there was servitude that the people, being powerless, could be kept under control. Thus servitude and mastery result from the struggle between the strong and the weak and the contrast between the cunning and the innocent, and Blue Heaven has nothing whatsoever to do with it.”

Source: "Daoism and Anarchism: Critiques of State Autonomy in Ancient and Modern Japan," by John A. Rapp, Contemporary Anarchist Studies, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012. Appendices, Bao Jingyan, Page 227.

"Daoism and Anarchism: Critiques of State Autonomy in Ancient and Modern Japan," by John A. Rapp, Contemporary Anarchist Studies, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012.


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