RevoltSource : Sourcing the Revolution with Knowledge

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Political Struggle :

Are you seeking information on political justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading political justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Economic Struggle :

Are you seeking information on economic justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading economic justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Education Struggle :

Are you seeking information on education justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading education justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Religious Struggle :

Are you seeking information on religious freedom? Or are you an ally of those spreading freethought? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Social Struggle :

Are you seeking information on social justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading social justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Ecological Struggle :

Are you seeking information on ecological justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading ecological justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

People :

The people of the world make up its knowledge! Be and know, and no matter what, don't forget to do!

(1854 - ) ~ Experimental Psychologist who Conducts Research in Visual Cognition, Psycholinguistics, and Social Relations : Steven Pinker conducts research on a variety of topics in psychology and cognitive science, including common knowledge (things that everyone knows everyone knows), language acquisition, emotion, the moral sense, rationality, and trends in violence. (From :

(1867 - 1932) ~ French Nobleman, Politician, Leading Belle ?poque Tastemaker, and the First Husband of American Railroad Heiress Anna Gould : A French nobleman and politician. He was known as a leading Belle ?poque tastemaker and the first husband of American railroad heiress Anna Gould. (From :

Economist, Sociologist, Journalist

Early 20th-Century Journalist, Critic, and Anti-State Thinker

Catholic Church Historian

Writings :

Study, research, learn, and self-educate. Within the wisdom of this universe, you will find yourself.

"Attack is the Best Form of Defense," by Johann Most, Freiheit, September 13, 1884.

"Early Days of Greek Anarchism: 'The Democratic Club of Patris' & 'Social Radicalism in Greece'," edited and translated by Paul Pomonis, published by the Kate Sharpley Library, 2004.

"Man's Search for Meaning," by Viktor E. Frankl, Foreword by Harold S. Kushner, Part One translated by Ilse Lasch, Afterword by William J. Winslade, Beacon Press, Boston, 2006 (originally published 1959).

"Woman's Error and Her Debt," by Margaret Sanger, August 1921.

"The Church Is A Burden, Not A Benefit, In Social Life," by E. Haldeman-Julius.

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