The Church Is A Burden, Not A Benefit, In Social Life

By Emanuel Haldeman-Julius

Entry 5300


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Writings The Church Is A Burden, Not A Benefit, In Social Life

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(1889 - 1951)

Jewish-American Socialist Writer, Atheist Thinker, Social Reformer, Publisher, Head of Haldeman-Julius Publications

: A Jewish-American socialist writer, atheist thinker, social reformer and publisher. He is best remembered as the head of Haldeman-Julius Publications, the creator of a series of pamphlets known as "Little Blue Books," total sales of which ran into the hundreds of millions of copies. (From:

"The Church Is A Burden, Not A Benefit, In Social Life," by E. Haldeman-Julius.

Quotes from The Church Is A Burden, Not A Benefit, In Social Life, by Emanuel Haldeman-Julius

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