Industrial Unionism : The Road to Freedom

By Joseph J. Ettor (1913)

Entry 5266


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RevoltSource Writings Industrial Unionism

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(1885 - 1948)

Italian-American Trade Union Organizer, Middle-1910s Leading Public Faces of the Industrial Workers of the World, Defendant in a Controversial Trial regarding Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912

: An Italian-American trade union organizer who, in the middle-1910s, was one of the leading public faces of the Industrial Workers of the World. Ettor is best remembered as a defendant in a controversial trial related to a killing in the seminal Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912, in which he was acquitted of charges of having been an accessory. (From:

"Industrial Unionism: the Road to Freedom," by Joseph J. Ettor, 1913, published by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Section: Industrial Unionism the Road to Freedom.

Quotes from Industrial Unionism, by Joseph J. Ettor

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