The Love of Money

By Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie (1862)

Entry 5353


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(1825 - 1882)

Irish Jurist, Economist, Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy in Queen's College, Belfast, Anti-Wages-Fund Doctrine, Critic of Ricardian Orthodoxy, Developer of the Consumer Sovereignty Theory

: An Irish jurist and economist. He was professor of jurisprudence and political economy in Queen's College, Belfast, noted for challenging the Wages-Fund doctrine and for addressing contemporary agrarian policy questions. A critic of Ricardian orthodoxy, he said that it had sidelined consumer behaviour and demand. He developed the idea of consumer sovereignty... (From:

"The Love of Money," by T.E. Cliffe Leslie, 1862, November.

Quotes from The Love of Money, by Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie

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November, 1862
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