The Myth of the Soul, Is the Belief in Immortality Necessary or Even Desirable?

By Clarence Seward Darrow (1928)

Entry 5235


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Writings The Myth of the Soul, Is the Belief in Immortality Necessary or Even Desirable?

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(1857 - 1938)

American Lawyer, Anti-Death Penalty Advocate, "Monkey-Trial" Evolution Lawyer, American Civil Liberties Union Leader, Georgist Economic Reformer

: An American lawyer who became famous in the early 20th century for his involvement in the Leopold and Loeb murder trial and the Scopes "Monkey" Trial. He was a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union, and a prominent advocate for Georgist economic reform. (From:

"The Myth of the Soul, Is the Belief in Immortality Necessary or Even Desirable?" by Clarence Seward Darrow, dated 1928 (He said he was 71 during the writing of this piece. Since he was born in 1857, this piece must be written on 1928 then).

Quotes from The Myth of the Soul, Is the Belief in Immortality Necessary or Even Desirable?, by Clarence Seward Darrow

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