Anton Pannekoek (January 2, 1873 - April 28, 1960) on State Socialism and Compromise with Capitalism(published by RevoltSource) |
Economic Struggle Economic Struggle Quotes State Socialism Compromise with Capitalism
Dutch Astronomer, Philosopher, Marxist Theorist, and Socialist Revolutionary
: A Dutch astronomer, philosopher, Marxist theorist, and socialist revolutionary. He was one of the main theorists of council communism (Dutch: radencommunisme). Pannekoek studied mathematics and physics in Leiden from 1891. Even before he went to college he was interested in astronomy and studied the Milky Way and variability of Polaris. He published his first article, On the Necessity of Further Researches on the Milky Way, as a student. (From:
Quote #12 on Economic Struggle Quotes >> State Socialism and Compromise with Capitalism
“The real political power and even the parliamentary majority remain in the hands of the capitalist class. Socialist ministers have to represent the interests of the present capitalist society, i.e., of the capitalist class. They can attempt to initiate measures for the immediate interests of the workers and try to induce the capitalist parties to acquiesce. They become middlemen, mediators pleading with the capitalist class to consent to small reforms in the interests of the workers, and then try to convince the workers that these are important reforms that they should accept. And then the Socialist Party, as an instrument in the hands of these leaders, has to support them and also, instead of calling upon the workers to fight for their interests, seeks to pacify them, deflect them from the class struggle.”
Source: "General Remarks on the Question of Organisation," by Anton Pannekoek, 1938.
"General Remarks on the Question of Organisation," by Anton Pannekoek, 1938.
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