Henry Stephens Salt : English Writer, Vegetarian, Anti-war Advocate, Socialist, Anti-child Abuse, and Campaigner for Social Reform in the Fields of Prisons, Schools, Economic Institutions, and the Treatment of Animals

September 20, 1851 — April 19, 1939

Entry 971


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource People Henry Stephens Salt

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An English writer and campaigner for social reform in the fields of prisons, schools, economic institutions, and the treatment of animals. He was a noted ethical vegetarian, anti-vivisectionist, socialist, and pacifist, and was well known as a literary critic, biographer, classical scholar and naturalist. It was Salt who first introduced Mohandas Gandhi to the influential works of Henry David Thoreau, and influenced Gandhi's study of vegetarianism.

From : Wikipedia.org

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September 20, 1851
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April 19, 1939
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March 24, 2020; 2:52:59 PM (UTC)
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January 11, 2023; 7:00:06 PM (UTC)
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