Scottish Enlightenment Philosopher, Historian, Economist, Librarian and Essayist, as well as Philosophical Empiricist, Skeptic, and Naturalist
: Generally regarded as one of the most important philosophers to write in English, David Hume (1711?1776) was also well known in his own time as an historian and essayist. (From: Plato.Stanford.edu.)
Quote #5 on Religious Struggle Quotes >> Atheism and Philosophy
“...when sound philosophy has once gained possession of the mind, superstition is effectually excluded; and one may safely affirm, that her triumph over this enemy is more compleat than over most of the vises and imperfections, incident to human nature. Love or anger, ambition or avarice, have their root in the temper and affections, which the soundest reason is scarce ever able fully to correct. But superstition, being founded on false opinion, must immediately vanish, when true philosophy has inspired juster sentiments of superior powers. The contest is here more equal between the distemper and the medicine: And nothing can hinder the latter from proving effectual, but its being false and sophisticated.”
Source: "Essays Moral, Political, and Literary," by David Hume, edited by Liberty Fund, 1777, with a forward by Eugene F. Miller, 1 October 1984. Section: The Life of David Hume, Esq. Part III. Essay IX. Of Suicide.
"Essays Moral, Political, and Literary," by David Hume, edited by Liberty Fund, 1777, with a forward by Eugene F. Miller, 1 October 1984. Section: The Life of David Hume, Esq.
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