Greek Philosopher Born in Athens during the Classical Period in Ancient Greece, Unable to Measure the Falling Speed of Feather Versus a Rock, and Grandmaster of All Universities Ever Founded
: A Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent. (From: Wikipedia.org.)
Quote #7 on Religious Struggle Quotes >> Atheism and Philosophy
“...what if there are no gods? or, suppose them to have no care of human things -- why in either case should we mind about concealment? And even if there are gods, and they do care about us, yet we know of them only from tradition and the genealogies of the poets; and these are the very persons who say that they may be influenced and turned by "sacrifices and soothing entreaties and by offerings." Let us be consistent then, and believe both or neither.”
Source: "The Republic," by Plato, 360 BC, translated by Benjamin Jowett. Book 2.
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