RevoltSource : Sourcing the Revolution with Knowledge

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Political Struggle :

Are you seeking information on political justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading political justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Economic Struggle :

Are you seeking information on economic justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading economic justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Education Struggle :

Are you seeking information on education justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading education justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Religious Struggle :

Are you seeking information on religious freedom? Or are you an ally of those spreading freethought? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Social Struggle :

Are you seeking information on social justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading social justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

Ecological Struggle :

Are you seeking information on ecological justice? Or are you an ally of those spreading ecological justice? Then join the Revolution and let's make a change!

People :

The people of the world make up its knowledge! Be and know, and no matter what, don't forget to do!

(1812 - 1883) ~ French Writer, Journalist, Lawyer and Translator : A French writer, goguettier, journalist and translator. (From :

(1928 - 2016) ~ Romanian-born American Writer, Professor, Political Activist, Nobel Laureate, Holocaust Survivor, and Author of 57 Books, Including Night, a Work Based on his Experiences as a Jewish Prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Concentration Camps : A Romanian-born American writer, professor, political activist, Nobel laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He authored 57 books, written mostly in French and English, including Night, a work based on his experiences as a Jewish prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. (From :

(1840 - 1902) ~ French Novelist, Journalist, Playwright, the Best-known Practitioner of the Literary School of Naturalism, and an Important Contributor to the Development of Theatrical Naturalism : A French novelist, journalist, playwright, the best-known practitioner of the literary school of naturalism, and an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism. He was a major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the exoneration of the falsely accused and convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus, which is encapsulated in his renowned newspaper opinion headlined J'Accuse?!? (From :

(bce800 - bce700) ~ Ancient Chinese Military Strategist, Politician, Businessman, Andpolitical and Military Advisor to Goujian, the King of Yue, during the Spring and Autumn Period : An ancient Chinese military strategist, politician, and businessman. F?n Li was an important political and military advisor to Goujian, the king of Yue. He later was known as Tao Zhu Gong (???) a name he took after achieving a decisive victory for Yue over the state of Wu and retiring to live a secluded life with his wife Xi Shi, one of the most famous beauties in Chinese history. (From :

(1910 - 1983) ~ War Correspondent and Author of Popular Histories : A war correspondent and author of popular histories, most notably two books on the nineteenth-century exploration of the Nile, The White Nile (1960) and The Blue Nile (1962). Australian-born, he lived in England, and Italy, from 1937. (From :

Writings :

Study, research, learn, and self-educate. Within the wisdom of this universe, you will find yourself.

"Worker Militancy and Its Consequences: The Changing Climate of Western Industrial Relations," edited by Solomon Barkin, Second Edition, Praeger Special Studies, 1983.

"Political Economy," by Jean-Charles-Leonard Simonde de Sismondi, 1815

"Public Ownership and Common Ownership," by Anton Pannekoek, Western Socialist, November 1947; written in English.

(1998 - ) : "Betrayal of the Innocents: Desire, Power, and the Catholic Church in Spain," by Timothy Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1998.

"The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth," by John Milton, 1660.

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