Worship and Church Bells

By Thomas Paine (1797)

Entry 5471


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(1737 - 1809)

English-born American Political Activist, Philosopher, Political Theorist, and Revolutionary

: An English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776?1783), two of the most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution, and helped inspire the Patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain, hitherto an unpopular cause. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

"Worship and Church Bells," by Thomas Paine, a letter to Camille Jordan, printed in Paris in the summer of 1797 with the title: "Lettre de Thomas Paine sur les Cultes. A Paris, Imprimerie- Librairie du Cercle-Social, rue du Theatre-Fran-caise No. 4. 1797."

Quotes from Worship and Church Bells, by Thomas Paine

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