Russell Blackwell (1904 - 1969) on Anarchism and Social Organization

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Entry 551


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(1904 - 1969)

American Anarchist, Former Communist, Former Trotskyist, Transnational Mexican Revolutionary

: An American anarchist and former communist. He left the United States to establish a Communist organization for children, the Pioneers, in Mexico, where he adopted the pseudonym Rosario Negrete. Working with Manuel Rodriguez, Blackwell founded the Mexico's first Trotskyist organization, Oposici?n Comunista de Izquierda ("Communist Left Opposition", or OCI) in 1933. (From:

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Quote #4 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Anarchism and Social Organization

“By direct action of the workers themselves -- in their syndicates and communities -- rather than by the dictatorship of a political party, however revolutionary, is society to be organized after the revolution.”

Source: "News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives on the Events - Seven ARticles Published in One Big Union Monthly, a Journal of the Industrial Workers of the World," edited by the Kate Sharpley Library and Charlatan Stew, originally written July, 1937 to February, 1938, published 2012, Kate Sharpley Library. Section 8: The Spanish Revolution Revisited by Russell Blackwell (1968), Page 67.

"News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-Authoritarian Perspectives on the Events - Seven ARticles Published in One Big Union Monthly, a Journal of the Industrial Workers of the World," edited by the Kate Sharpley Library and Charlatan Stew, originally written July, 1937 to February, 1938, published 2012, Kate Sharpley Library.


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