Victoria Claflin Woodhull (September 23, 1838 - June 9, 1927) on Elections and Domination

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 1449


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RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Elections Domination 11

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(1838 - 1927)

American Leader of the Women's Suffrage Movement, Free Love Advocate, Anti-Capitalist Socialist Reformer, and Ran for President of the United States in the 1872 Election

: An American leader of the women's suffrage movement who ran for President of the United States in the 1872 election. While many historians and authors agree that Woodhull was the first woman to run for the presidency, some disagree with classifying it as a true candidacy because she was younger than the constitutionally mandated age of 35. (From:

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Quote #11 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Elections and Domination

“If self-government be the rule, every self must be its subject. If a person govern, not only himself but others, that is despotic government, and it matters not if that control be over one or over a thousand individuals, or over a nation; in each case it would be the same principle of power exerted outside of self and over others, and this is despotism, whether it is exercised by one person over his subjects, or by twenty persons over a nation, or by one-half the people of a nation over the other half thereof.”

Source: "And the Truth Shall Make You Free: A Speech on the Principles of Social Freedom," by Victoria C. Woodhull and Stephen Pearl Andrews, Delivered in Steinway Hall, Monday, Nov. 20, 1871.

A Speech on the Principles of Social Freedom

: "And the Truth Shall Make You Free: A Speech on the Principles of Social Freedom," by Victoria C. Woodhull and Stephen Pearl Andrews, Delivered in Steinway Hall, Monday, Nov. 20, 1871.


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