Ezra J. Mishan (November 15, 1917 - September 22, 2014) on Elections and Domination

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(1917 - 2014)

English Economist best Known for his Work Criticising Economic Growth

: An English economist best known for his work criticising economic growth. Between 1956 and 1977 he worked at the London School of Economics where he became Professor of Economics. In 1965, while at the LSE, he wrote his seminal work The Costs of Economic Growth, but was unable to find a publisher until 1967. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #3 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Elections and Domination

“...it is discouraging, though perhaps not surprising, to observe that whenever the economist gets too close to the machinery of government he is all too prone to talk the language of 'political feasibility.' In order to avoid the frustration he may learn to advocate only those measures he believes stand some chance of acceptance. This implies, however, failure to advocate technically efficient measures for fear of being ignored by governments whose range of policies is limited by party ideology, financial shibboleths and public prejudice. But once the economist succumbs to the easy habit of making only those recommendations that accord with 'political realities' he soon finds himself in the uncomfortable position of using his authority to sanction the political fashions of the day.”

Source: "The Costs of Economic Growth," by Ezra J. Mishan, Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, New York, Washington, 1967. Part One, Chapter 2: The No-choice Myth, Pages 12-13.

"The Costs of Economic Growth," by Ezra J. Mishan, Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, New York, Washington, 1967.


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