Ba Jin (1904 - 2005) on Anarchism and Social Organization

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 564


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Anarchism Social Organization 17

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(1904 - 2005)

Chinese Anarchist Writer, Novelist, Esperanto Activist, and World-Renowned Author of "The Family"

: A Chinese writer. In addition to his impact on Chinese literature, he also wrote three original works in Esperanto, and as a political activist he wrote The Family. (From:

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Quote #17 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Anarchism and Social Organization

“Here comes my answer: Anarchy. That is the real freedom. And communism is the real equality. Only a social revolution can allow us to build a really free and really egalitarian society.

["How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society?" by Ba Jin, Banyue (Fortnight), Chengdu, China, No 17, 1 April 1921, over Ba Jin's real name Li Feigan.]”

Source: "How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society?" by Ba Jin, Banyue (Fortnight), Chengdu, China, No 17, 1 April 1921, over Ba Jin's real name Li Feigan.

"How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society?" by Ba Jin, Banyue (Fortnight), Chengdu, China, No 17, 1 April 1921, over Ba Jin's real name Li Feigan.


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