Nestor Makhno (November 8, 1888 - July 25, 1934) on Anarchism and Social Organization

(published by RevoltSource)

Entry 571


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Anarchism Social Organization 24

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(1888 - 1934)

Ukrainian, Anarchist Revolutionary, Abolisher of Concentration Camps, and the Commander of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine during the Ukrainian Civil War

: A Ukrainian anarchist revolutionary and the commander of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine during the Ukrainian Civil War. Makhno was the namesake of the Makhnovshchina (loosely translated as "Makhno movement"), a predominantly peasant phenomenon that grew into a mass social movement. It was initially centered around Makhno's hometown Huliaipole but over the course of the Ukrainian Civil War came to exert a strong influence over large areas of southern Ukraine. (From:

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Quote #24 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Anarchism and Social Organization

“...organization is the foundation of the revolution.

[First Part: The Rebel (1896-1931), Section 19: Emilienne, Berthe, and Nestor Makhno, Page 126.]”

Source: "Durruti in the Spanish Revolution," by Abel Paz, afterword by Jos? Luis Gutierr?z Molina, Translated by Chuck Morse, 2007, AK Press.

"Durruti in the Spanish Revolution," by Abel Paz, afterword by Jos? Luis Gutierr?z Molina, Translated by Chuck Morse, 2007, AK Press.


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